Tuesday 27 September 2011

Day 58

Been plodding along slowly, everything feeling a little stagnant at the moment. Been working hard and sticking to the diet, but think because we aren't working our legs everyday (legs are by far the most strenuous for me) it feels like I could be working harder. Also not find the time to skip morning and night so it feels like I am slacking a bit.

The diet is fine, don't feel too much of a difference, feeling satisfied, and not very hungry often. I am getting a bit anxious (porbably without reason) about ramping up the diet, I haven't lost all the fat I would like to and hope it doesn't slow down too much.

Taking a few days off at the end of the week. Hoping to the break from work will help revitalise me for the last stretch.

Wednesday 21 September 2011

Day 52

Determined to work hard this week. Woke up early this morning to get my workout out of the way and found it very difficult. My triceps just wouldn't work and failed in the middle of almost every set. Maybe it has something to do with not eating before. Going to try again tomorrow. Quite nice to know that when I get home in the afternoon I don't have the workout looming, but I am certainly not a morning person and getting out of bed is hard!

My legs still hurt after skipping, so not looking forward to tomorrow's leg work. Its been great to have a bit of a break.

Diet okay, but I am over egg whites. Bleh!

Still haven't decided what my indulgence will be, and I am a little anxious. Every time I have broken the diet I have either felt terribly nauseous or had stomach cramps. Will have to wait and see.

Sunday 18 September 2011

Day 50

Haven't been feeling well the last couple of days. Did my workout on Saturday and felt so bad afterwards I had to get into bed, so didn't skip yesterday and not really feeling up to it this morning. Sticking to the diet, but still feel like I am cheating skipping the workouts. Hopefully by this afternoon I will be feeling better.

Wednesday 14 September 2011

Day 45 - Half way!

I had a great day today! I was wearing clothes that are alot more fitted that what I would usually wear and I received compliments on how much weight I had lost all day. It really does make all this worth while!
I am hungry and my legs hurt most of the time, but I am feeling good and can't wait to see what happens to my body over the next 45 days! :)

Monday 12 September 2011

Day 43

Yesterday was my birthday and although I was asked to break my eating plan so that the family could go out for a celebratory lunch, I decided that it wasn't something I wanted to do. The regret and guilt aren't worth it. So, my Mom being the saint that she is, put together a beautiful and completely PCP compliant lunch for the family, which everyone enjoyed much to their surprise! You've just got to give it a bit of thought.

So its the last year of my twenties and I realised that the last time my body looked kinda like what it does now was when I had just entered my twenties, probably even younger. ??

The diet is fine, but I have realised that if I workout in the morning, snacking in the afternoon is more tempting as I am hungrier as the day goes on. If I exercise when I get home from work, although I am still hungry, I am definitely more motivated to eat properly and stick to the "rules".

My calves hurt! (just on the sides though?) Kneeling is killer and wearing heels is near impossible. I really hope these are new muscles that are getting stronger and will stop hurting in the near future cos its making skipping, floor jumps and creeps very hard. Suppose one must just perservere.

Hope the week goes well for everyone!

Friday 9 September 2011

Day 40 - getting by with a little help from my friends

So the pity party is over and I am back on track. Thanks to the encouraging comments from Steveo, Adam and Sam! You guys were right and you really did make me feel alot better - thank you! I completely understand why we do this as a group now, the support is so amazing.

I have been working super hard the last couple of days and despite my lapse earlier in the week I have reached what I hoped would be my half way mark. I am 5kgs down with a couple of days to spare until half way. At the start of the programme I promised myself that the number of kgs lost didn't matter, it was more about how my clothes were fitting and what I looked like. This is still true, but it is still pretty awesome to see the numbers come down.

Diet: going well. Had a delicious breakfast yesterday : Egg, cottage cheese, avocado and a tomato relish (tomotoes, onion, peppers and corn) on a slice of wholewheat toast.

Workouts: Skipping has been more difficult this week. After being sick energy levels have not been great and this affects skipping most. I suppose skipping morning and evening has also made me more tired, but I now that I have lost a noticable amount of weight I am more determined than ever to lose more. The rest of the workout is difficult, but I have been pushing hard. I get into bed and my calves (only the outer part) ache. Not an excrutiating pain but quite uncomfortable.

To all the rugby supporters out there, good luck to your teams unless they are playing the Springboks :)

Wednesday 7 September 2011

Day 38 - Oh dear!

So the last couple of days have not been good. It all started with a wedding on Saturday afternoon where I fell off the wagon and had a couple, okay maybe more than a couple of glasses of red wine. On the food front I was a good as I could have been. It was not the right setting to whip out a hard boiled egg and an apple for dinner so a small portion of Chicken and non PCP veg (salty and I'm sure lots of oil). Breakfast was no better, and so with a decidedly sore head, I decided to take a break from PCP for Sunday.

Monday I woke up with a stomach bug that has been making the rounds at work. Dying, I was unable to eat or exercise. This carried on until Tuesday afternoon, when after feeling a bit better I decided to try out the new workout. WOW! it was TOUGH! I was feeling very sorry for myself and didn't stick to my egg white dinner, I was just too hungry.

Now I am feeling terrible. I feel guilty, demotivated and irritated with myself. I really was doing so well, and I knew that if I crumbled just once it would be that much harder to get back on track. Yet, I did to anyway. I hate being my own worst enemy and this is why I have failed at every other attempt to get in shape and control what I eat. PISSED OFF!

Right with the confessional rant over, I have decided to get right back on programme and try and be more dedicated than ever to the PCP. Surely I must have some will power? I gave up smoking for God's sake!